Privacy and Security Policy

Paris Airport Taxi is committed to ensuring that your personal details are treated with respect.

We don't store credit card or any financial information.

How do you protect my information?

We only use your information in order to fulfill our obligations to you and for administration purposes. We will only disclose sufficient information to our Licenced Suppliers and Sub-contractors in order that they can arrange the service requested. We will never sell or disclose your information to a 3rd party except where required by law.

We use a top-of-the-rage security certificate from Thawte in order to protect your credit card and personal details. Our staff only have access to the information that is required to do their job.

What type of information do you collect?

Any information that you submit into a form may be collected and stored by the web or database server in order to improve our operations and to arrange the best possible service. In common with most websites, we automatically collect certain information about your computer in order to analyse how our customers use our website. This information includes your IP address and the details of your web browser. Email and communications with the site are archived until no longer required.

Do you use cookies?

Yes. Cookies are required in order to arrange interactive functionality such as logging in and preparing quotes. What information do you send me? Emails keeping you informed on the progress of your booking.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding how we use your information, please contact our control centre on 020 3006 6550

Blog Pages

Experience Seamless Travel with London Airport Transfers

Blog about Experience Seamless Travel with London Airport Transfers...

London Airport Transfers: Redefining Your Travel Experience

Blog about London Airport Transfers: Redefining Your Travel Experience...

Effortless Commute: The Perks of London Airport Transfers

Blog about Effortless Commute: The Perks of London Airport Transfers...

Exploring the Convenience of London Airport Transfers

Blog about Exploring the Convenience of London Airport Transfers...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the distance between Heathrow Airport to Belfast city?

Ans. The flight distance from London Heathrow Airport (LHR) to Belfast City Airport (BHD) is 313 miles if you use Paris Airport Taxi cab.

Q. What is the distance between Heathrow Airport to Chichester city?

Ans. The shortest travel distance between Chichester and London Heathrow (Airport) (GB) is 154 km, which equals a travel time by car of about 1 hour and 30 minutes if you choose a Paris Airport Taxi cab.

Q. What is the distance between Heathrow Airport to Chelmsford city?

Ans. The journey time between London Heathrow Airport (LTN) and Chelmsford City F.C. is around 3h 7m and covers a distance of around 64 miles.

Q. What is the distance between Heathrow Airport to Doncaster city?

Ans. The journey time between Doncaster and London Heathrow Airport (LTN) is around 2h 34m and covers a distance of around 187 miles if you choose Paris Airport Taxi cab.

Q. What is the distance between Heathrow Airport to Haslemere city?

Ans. The cheapest way to get from London Heathrow Airport (LTN) to Haslemere is 70km and takes 1h 16m. If you choose a Paris Airport Taxi cab.

Q. What is the distance between Heathrow Airport to Edinburgh city?

Ans. The journey time between London Heathrow Airport (LTN) and Edinburgh is around 5h 37m and covers a distance of around 423 miles. If you choose a Paris Airport Taxi cab.

Q. What is the distance between Heathrow Airport to Bath city?

Ans. Distance between London Heathrow Airport and Bath is 132.6 km. This distance is equal to 82.39 miles, and 71.55 nautical miles. If You want to make your journey safe and comfortable you must choose a Paris Airport Taxi cab.

Our Clients Testimonials

The Paris Airport Taxi drive is so polite behavior

I used a cab almost e mth ago. I am impressed with the cab driver he was very polite. He replied to me with all the questions in a polite way.
star star star star star


Last week I visited Washingt . There I used a cab service which was unbelievable. The cab Company has great services for their clients. 
star star star star star

Great-time services

I used this cab last night. I stuck late at night. So I contacted the company their cab service received me time.
star star star star star

Smooth pick-ups and drop and drop off

Last week I used a cab from Lut Airport to Washingt. I felt the cab driver nicely pick up me and then drop off me at my destination. The cab driver has very good manners.
star star star star star


I used the cab Paris Airport Taxi has Fantastic cab for clients.
star star star star star

Top professial service

I used this cab Paris Airport Taxi the first time I was impressed with Paris Airport Taxi and for me, it is the top professial Paris Airport Taxi.
star star star star star

Fast response

I was going to Truro last week for an emergency So I need a fast respse cab company. I ctacted the Paris Airport Taxi they replied to me so fast. I was impressed with Paris Airport Taxi.
star star star star star

A very nice driver

I appreciate the [company[ driver his way of dealing with their clients was very nice.
star star star star star

Quick Response

Hi I am a tourist. I used many cabs my whole life but this Paris Airport Taxi was incredible. One of the most thing which attracted to me their side was their quick response to their clients.
star star star star star

Good experience with the Paris Airport Taxi

I visited the Wells last mth.Good experience with the cab  Paris Airport Taxi.
star star star star star

Thanks For a nice ride

I went to the airport last week. So I used the Paris Airport Taxi cab service that was great service, therefore, I want to say thanks for the nice ride.
star star star star star

Very gentle driver

So I am Impressed with the driver. the cab driver was a very gentle and polite person.
star star star star star

Affordable services

] Provides affordable service to thor clients.Three days ago I use a cab. The  Paris Airport Taxi Provides affordable service to thor clients.
star star star star star

Awesome cab service

I went to my university after two years So I used the cab service which was awesome.
star star star star star

Excellent service

Three weeks ago I went to Truro so I use the cab service I am impressed by the [ Company]. They provide excellent service to their clients.
star star star star star

Pleasant journey

I Used a cab last mth Indeed a very pleasant journey for me.
star star star star star

The unbelievable service

The cab Paris Airport Taxi provides unbelievable services to their clients. Last few days ago I used the cab. It's incredible. I am using this cab Paris Airport Taxi next time.
star star star star star

The cab was very clean

I booked my cab with theParis Airport Taxi the Paris Airport Taxi. I said to the company I want a neat and clean environment in the cab they replied, sir you don't worry. Our vehicles are always clean and fresh environment, and then I saw it very clean environment. I am with company.
star star star star star

Always good cab service for me

star star star star star

Experienced driver

I hired the cab last week. I am so impressed with the cab driver the [ Company] has experienced driver.
star star star star star